COVID-19 Office Policy Update

Eagle Wealth Management |

The safety of our EWM community is always a priority for us.  Just as we focus on mitigating risk in your portfolio, we now find ourselves thinking about how to mitigate the health risk to you and our team.  Given the uncertainty of the situation, we’re cautiously taking steps to reopen the office 

  • Our Team — Some of our team returned to the office this week, but others are continuing to work from home.
  • Client Meetings — Although we’d love to see you in person again, we’re continuing with phone or video conferences for the time being.
  • Curbside Service — If you desire to stop by the office, please call first to set up a time.  We’ll meet you outside, wear masks, and practice social distancing.  And of course, please do not come by if you or someone in your household has symptoms.  

We’re grateful for you and our whole amazing Eagle Wealth community.  Thank you for adapting with us and making the best of things.  We look forward to the day when life returns to normal and we can welcome you back into our office for a cup of coffee.  For now, take care of yourself and each other, and let us know if we can help.

Your Eagle Wealth Team